Wealth Strategies Journal: “The headline of the November 10, 2010 posting on Forbes' “Estate of Confusion” blog by Hani Sarji sums it up, “Results of Midterm Elections Do Not Bring Certainty to the Federal Estate Tax.” While uncertainty about the long-term status of the estate tax is nothing new, it appears that the uncertainty will continue as we begin the New Year. . . . All of this means that the uncertainty that has clouded the estate planning playing field for the past eight years is likely to continue through the current Congress until we see the make-up of the 2013 Congress and administration. While there are flexible tax planning strategies that can help deal with this uncertainty from a planning perspective, uncertainty frequently leads to inaction on the part of the client. It is the intent of this article to examine how dealing with uncertainty can actually create viable opportunities to examine how we approach our estate planning practices.”