Thanks for expressing and interest in wills, trusts and estate planning. Estate planning is all about protecting your most valuable asset – your loved ones. My name is Richard Keyt. My son Richard C. Keyt (a former CPA) and I are Arizona attorneys who have 376 five star Google reviews because people love our legal services. Together Ricky and I have 30+ years of experience preparing wills, trusts and estate planning documents. Our estate planning websites are Arizona Wills & Trusts and Family Asset Protection.

Our short term goals are to help you learn more about estate planning in the next few months and to convince you to hire us to prepare your estate plan to protect your most valuable assets, your loved ones.

Question: What is the number one reason you need an estate plan with a revocable living trust? The next newsletter email message will answer this important question.

Unfortunately I have seen far too many tragic situations caused by the failure to adopt an estate plan. Your family is your most important asset so when considering asset protection I urge you to protect your family now before it is too late by signing a will, a trust and ancillary estate planning documents.

Recently the children of a client of mine for whom I had formed several LLCs called to tell me that their father died without a will or a trust. The lack of an estate plan created huge problems for the man's family not the least of which was that the man's estranged son inherited one half of the father's estate instead of the favored son inheriting everything. The failure to plan resulted in the State of Arizona determining who inherited the father's estate instead of the father.

A woman contacted me because her husband had a stroke that caused him to lose his mental capacity. The man owned rental property in his name that needed management, but the woman did not have the legal power to manage the property. Unfortunately she was forced to pay over $3,000 in attorney's fees to file a petition with the superior court and obtain a court order appointing her as a her husband's legal guardian.

Because I have seen firsthand the harm families suffer because a loved one neglected to adopt an estate plan I made a pact with myself to try to work extra hard to convince people who lack an estate plan to sign a will, a healthcare power of attorney, a living will, a financial power of attorney and a trust. I want to help you to stop procrastinating and hire me to prepare your estate plan.